be comprised of
- 网络由…组成

All these words mean to be formed from the things or people mentioned, or to be the parts that form sth.以上各词均表示由某些人或事物组成,或构成某事物。
to be formed from the things, people or activities mentioned指由事物、人或活动组成、构成:
Their diet consists largely of vegetables.
( rather formal ) to be formed from the things or people mentioned指由…组成、构成:
The collection comprises 327 paintings.
( rather informal ) to be the parts or people that form sth指组成、构成:
Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
to be the parts or people that form sth指组成、构成:
People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labour force.
( rather formal ) to be formed from the things or people mentioned指由…组成、构成:
Around 15% of our diet is composed of protein.
to be formed from the things or people mentioned指由…组成、构成:
The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.
( formal ) to be the parts of people that form sth指组成、构成:
Christians compose around 2.5% of the country's population.
Consist of sb/sth is the most general of these words and the only one that can be used for activities with the -ing form of a verb. |
The other main difference is between those verbs that take the whole as the subject and the parts as the object |
and those that take the parts as the subject and the whole as the object. |
It is not correct to use ‘comprises of’ or ‘is composed by/from’. |
These studies may be comprised of either basic animal or human research or both .
Once the setup and configuration are complete , test development will be comprised of the following table files
The full text is supposed to be comprised of five parts in detailed elaboration .
The new development will be comprised of research institutes for modern science along with eco-efficient urban living .
It is proposed that module design of generalized product should be comprised of two levels , service solution level and physical level .
There course will be comprised of readings , discussions , guest speakers and group design sessions .
Documents can be comprised of individual fields of primitive types ," embedded documents ", or arrays of documents .
For example , a mysql-cluster-based database tier would be comprised of two server groups , an ndbd group and a manager group .
As with the first two seasons , the third will most likely be comprised of 10 episodes which will bring its overall count to 30 .
Most of the traditional image acquisition system is be comprised of camera , image acquisition card and PC , and by building private networks for image acquisition and transmission .
While it was believed that they were a single species , recent research indicates that they may , in fact , be comprised of several different species of Orca .
No matter how much effort is put into simplifying them , cloud environments will always be comprised of complex applications to manage and an array of workloads to balance .
Each team may be comprised of a maximum of5 smokers , whose names will be notified by a local club affiliated to a national club belonging to the CIPC .
Looking to all the world like the aftermath of a bloody , Django Unchained-style shootout , this high-altitude lake appears to be comprised of one ingredient only : blood .
Talent hunting : A.Set up a headhunting project team which will be comprised of project manager , senior consultants , consultants , assistants , part-time consultants etc. ;
The ideal additives for industrial gear oil in cold area should be comprised of improver of viscosity index , pour point depressant , S-P extreme pressure wear inhibitor and benzo-triazole fatty amine .
The workshop will be comprised of the following short presentations , after which the microphone will be open for participants to ask any questions related to the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process .
At the recent Kapow convention , he confirmed that the new run will be comprised of adaptations of'A Scandal in Bohemia ' , 'The Hound of the Baskervilles'and'The Final Problem ' .
The voting Directors will be comprised of seventeen ( 17 ) members as described in items ( b ) - ( e ) and four ( 4 ) members as described in items ( f ) - ( I ) .
This allows the control condition to be comprised solely of local variables and therefore run much faster .
Washington demanded that his guard be comprised only of natural-born Americans , to ensure their loyalty to the war cause .
Earlier reports this week had Jolie starring in the project , however , the actors will be solely comprised of various ethnicities from the region of the former Yugoslavia .
Food reduces weight to be comprised by fiber of unfavorable digestive plant more , there is full feeling after taking .
This pattern generally requires that a single versioning strategy be chosen , comprised of a series of rules and conventions that essentially become governance standards .
The body contains the clinical report , and can be either an unstructured blob , or can be comprised of structured markup .
Web-based distance-learning environment can be simultaneously visited by multiple users and generally be comprised of several independent teaching components , so it can be described by multi-agents technology .
For the enterprises engaged in the sale in the traditional markets at the same time , the e-commerce sales can be treated equally as the sales in the traditional market , their tax collection can be comprised of two parts , which follows the approach to traditional sales tax .